Some like gambling, and some don’t. And among those who like it, some are satisfied after just a few rounds, while others can gamble for nights on end. Why someone likes to gamble is primarily a highly psychological phenomenon that is decided in your brain.
People are so different. Some people can’t enter a bar without throwing a few dollars into slot machines. The other, on the other hand, would not even spend a single-digit sum if the lottery jackpot reached an almost three-digit million amount.
Gambling on major sites is a matter of personality
Some people are more inclined to gamble than others. This is a completely normal variant of personality, as it can also be found in countless other areas. One likes gambling and sneakers, the other doesn’t like them, but brown leather slippers.
But if you look at this personality from a depth psychological point of view, tendencies are added. In this case, the specialists speak of so-called attention seeking. This is nothing negative at first, but also a simple character variant.
Such people are always looking for new challenges. In mild variants, this can be a variety of changing hobbies. Attention seeking, on the other hand, is somewhat more pronounced when it comes to extreme sports that promise a high release of adrenaline. And major site (메이저사이트) gambling takes the same line from excitement to possible profit.
To be rewarded
The basis of all attention-seeking is that the brain is triggered. To put it precisely, your reward center is activated. Jumping off a bridge with bungee cords on your feet makes your brain feel rewarded with a rush of adrenaline. Being a true bookworm triggers the same release of hormones by purchasing a new or rare work.
It works the same way when it comes to gambling. Every payout is registered by the brain as a reward. A simple form of conditioning that makes you feel rewarded for the excitement of the game.
What is particularly interesting is what happens in your brain during this process. It starts with a trigger coming from outside. To stay with gambling, this could be the sight of an ATM, perhaps the music it is playing, or just a certain smell that one associate with gambling based on past experiences. This trigger ensures that the limbic system in your brain triggers a desire in you. The brain now gives you the command to “satisfy cravings”.
Gambling is actually a deeply human process, born out of the urge to be rewarded. How much you tend to do so depends primarily on how much you are an attention seeker in character.