Brown revealed the way he had actually constructed the perfect system. He had originally contacted some 7,000 people out of the blue, giving them a tip in a six-runner race. One-sixth of the people had been given each of the six runners in the race. Of course, over 1,000 of them were on a winner. That thousand then received another tip. Once again, one- sixth of them were winners. Same thing for the next race. Eventually, as the sixths divided down, Khadesha was the only one left who had been given only winners and was, of course, believing that Brown had supernatural powers.
He didn’t. He hasn’t, although he is a supreme illusionist who makes tremendously entertaining TV shows, and spends a great deal of money doing so – everyone else in the programme who had put money on his losing selections had been given their cash back. But he can’t tip winners. Just remember that the next time you are tempted by a tipster, making extravagant, unlikely and almost certainly fraudulent claims to the contrary.
There is no shortage of people prepared to try to persuade you that they can put you on to ‘good things’ every day of the week, that they are privy to ‘inside info’ about ‘job horses’ sure to charge home at 20/1 – if only you will cross their palm with silver in any shape or form. Do not submit to the temptation or you will surely find yourself severely disillusioned and very much the poorer.