If after everything else you are still reluctant of transferring funds over the web, then you should not worry as there are secure options offered today. In reality, you may opt to put cash in your online account by simply paying a visit to the bank and ask the clerk if they can transfer it for you.
There are other options for making offline transfers such bank drafts, checks and bank wires. Then again, MoneyGram and Western Union are created for those who feel more at ease in making transfers using this method. Even though the process is somehow more time consuming, the only thing that must be done is to provide your information to the bank clerk and then, wait for the money to appear in your casino account.
Credit/Debit Cards Guaranteed to Provide Hassle Free Online Transfers
Then again, if you have trust of doing online transfers using credit or debit cards, the following entities would not let you down.
Number 1. Visa
Visa managed to keep its status for being the most successful and at the same time, biggest payment method network worldwide. Among the benefits of utilizing Visa is the fact that it is accepted at virtually any online casino.
In hindsight, your visa card would almost not be declined when making a transfer. Unless of course the country where you are playing from restricts online casinos. If it’s fine with you using your credit cards, then your Visa card may be your preferred card when making either withdrawal or deposit from the online casino such as Judi Bola.
Number 2. MasterCard
Clearly, MasterCard emerged as Visa’s one of the biggest competitors in credit card industry. Their payment method is also accepted widely in various online casino sites and kept growing as one of the reliable and dependable option.
If you wish to continue using your MasterCard in transferring funds to and from your chosen casino site, it is strongly recommended to take time reading reviews for MasterCard transactions.
Number 3. AMEX
Being a first-class credit card, AMEX for the long time kept its standard as a highly respected online payment method. On the other hand, at its current status, AMEX is only offered at few casinos online. This is because of the reason that there’s strict legislation about gambling in the US.
Prior to pushing to a transaction, it is wise to read reviews on the process so you can avert potential problems and have a smooth transaction.